Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just in from Berlin

A friend of ours, who lives in the always hip German city of Berlin, flew in to New York City this week and was kind enough to hand-deliver this pair of porcelain vases. A unique combination of techniques are at play... stucco-like matte white surfaces (referred to as "bisque") are juxtaposed with illuminated chrome and orange-glazed rings. These were made by the Bavarian factory Royal Porzellan in the mid-60s and have a marking that reads KPM.
9", 7.5"

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the name of the company is "Royal Porzellan", the abbreviation KPM stands for "(k)önigliche (P)orzellan(m)anufaktur" which means that the company used to be an official purveyor to the royal court (of Bavaria). Compare for example the famous and first European porcelain manufacturer "KPM Berlin".
